Folk songs of Rajasthan

Folk songs of Rajasthan

Folk songs of Rajasthan

👉Rajasthan has its own rich tradition of folk songs. There are songs for men, women and children suitable for any auspicious occasion. The heredity castes of Bards such as Bhats, Charans, Langas ,Bhopas, Dhodis, Mirasis, Dholis, have transmitted to posterity a wealth of folk lores, legend and history.

A folk song example

👉The Folk songs of Rajasthan tell the tales of the Rajputs, the bravest warriors in India. The Rajputs are a warrior caste and their songs celebrate their exploits in battle. They are also known for their love of horses and for their music, which is often lively and rhythmic.

👉The Rajasthani folk songs are often about love, war and adventure. Some of the most popular folk songs include "Sawan Maiya", "Bhareli Jhanki", and "Dholakia". These songs are often sung by bards who wander the villages of Rajasthan, singing for a living.

👉Rajasthani folk music is often lively and rhythmic, and is well known for its use of the tabla and the dhol. The tabla is a wooden drum that is often played in combination with the dhol, a metal drum that is often used to create a more earthy sound.


👉The Bhats recite the songs of Rajasthan in "Dingal".The Charans praised their
royal patrons and ancestors. The Bhopas wander from place to place and carry their unique art of song and music with them. Their songs are accompanied with a musical instrument called 'Ravan Hatha' (an old bowstringed instruments). They sing of the folk deities viz., Pabauji, Bhironji,Gogaji, Mataji and Ramdeoji. Many ballads have become popular through these songsters e.g. Dhola-Maru, Nihalde-Sultan.

👉In addition to these ballads, folk songs recounting the heroic deeds of Pabuji, Bhairon Ji, Tejaji etc. are very popular. It is worth-mentioning the songs sung on the hearth and home by women. The emotional effusion has founded its best expression in the songs of women. The revelations which these songs make of the inner life of women are of the greatest value of all
who are interested in the long enduring and beautiful pattern or life in Rajasthan and of the psychology of the Women who live it.

👉Rajasthani women sing collectively in groups and without any accompaniment. These songs are part of the region's oral history and reflect local customs any Superstitions and traditions. They sing the songs of childhood, Holi and other festive occasions of the Gauri worship, singing ghurla of the Tulsi worship, of the grown up age, of wedding, of looking at bridegroom, of bathing , of departure, of the new home etc. They also sing the birth songs, songs of married love, of separation and of many other themes.

👉The themes of these songs are love, religion, separation from the lover, anticipated fears of love and war. Some of the folk songs are addressed to the birds and animals, war and religious heroes. The folksongs are the basis of Rajasthani literature and culture. It is through folk songs that the people of Rajasthan express their sorrows, joys and reverence. These songs are soul stirring and heart touching. The most popular song is the "Moomal" which describes the beauty of a young girl. Another song is "Kurja” in which the beloved sends here message to her lover through 'Kurja' a kind of migratory bird.

👉Other popular songs are Baramasa and Gorband.There are popular legends told by these songs.A song tells the story of a shy Rajput deserter. He is taunted by his sister-in-law or mother, he goes back to the battle field and comes back victorious. There are several folk songs but the chief among them are Neemadi, Kurja, Peepali, Sapna, Papaya, Bhadawa, Mauriya, Bana-Bani, Chirmi, Sevara etc.

Main Characteristics of Folk Songs-

(i) The name of the writers are not known.

(ii) Universality of human pathos, feelings and emotional responses.

(iii) Living description of culture, living standard and human feelings.

(iv) Though oral but sung on tal and rhythms.

(v) These are related with different aspects of life.

(vi) These songs reflect local customs, superstitions and traditions.

(vii) They are intensely emotional rather than languages. The emotional effusion has found its best expression in the songs of women.

These songs are divided as common songs, professional songs and local songs.

(i) Common Songs: Common Songs are the songs commonly sung during marriage ceremonies and other festivals. On the social occasions, the women exhibit their joy and happiness by singing songs. At the time of marriage, ring ceremony and such other similar occasions, the Badhavas are sung.

(ii) Professional Songs : There are several professional singers known as Dholi, Mirashi,Langha, Bhat, Rao, Jogi, Kalbeliya, Bhawai, Bhope, Bairagi, Gandharva, Rana and others. They also use Sarangi and other musical instruments. The Langhas are famous for their folk songs. They use Surinda,Susai, Murali, Sitara, Morchang and others. They sing Manda, Gamakand others. The Manganiyars sing on Kamaicha. Similarly, the people of Kamada caste use Nishan, Manjira and other instruments Mostly Ektara, Dotara and Tambura are used in folk songs. The Mand is much famous. It is sung in Udaipur, Jodhpur, Jaisalmer, Jaipur and other areas.

(iii) Local Songs: The Kurja, Peepali, Ghughari,Kevadas, Neemadi, Papaya, Chirmi and other are sung in Marwar and its adjoining areas. Other caste also display their folk songs. The Patelya, Binchiya, Lalar and other songs are much famous. Their religious songs are much popular in the areas of Jaipur, Bundi, Kota and Sawai Madhopur. On special occasions and festive, the songs about horse, bride and bride groom, pregnant women, sawanpanihari,Ganeshji, Idoni, Gorbund and others are also recited.

Following folk songs are much popular

Neemadi : How a wife reminds her husband the ordeals caused in marrying a lady at distant place is described in a Neemadi folk song.

Peepali : This folk song is recited on the eve of festival which narrates the feelings of a wife, when she asks her husband not desert her because it is the time of union, not of separation.

Sapana : It is sung by a wife who wants to know the meaning of her dream.

Kurja: It is sung by women when their husbands are not at home and away far from them. Kurja is a bird called nightingale that carries the message from wife to husband in which she makes a
request for her husband’s union.

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