Customs and Costumes in Rajasthan

Customs and Costumes in Rajasthan

Customs and Costumes in Rajasthan


Rajasthan is richly blended with varied customs and costumes wedded to the traditional and changing patterns of religious beliefs and climatic factors often land systems. Customs of the Rajasthan people are mainly guided by Vedic on Hindu traditions. Even Muslims residing in former princely states and the tribals are widely influenced by Hindu customs and traditions


Rajasthani dress

The Mughal culture too has some influence over the customary behaviour and practices of the people. Customs in Rajputs, mannerism of Mughals and other traditions, with the British Rule in India have gone in the background and got extinct. But then on the contrary side traditions are still perpetuating. The Rajas, Vazirs, Jagirdas, Jamindars, Bhomias, Purohits,Kamdars are continuing with their odds.


After independence, the society transformed. Under the forceful impact of western traditions the old ones getting disappeared slowly. The unsocial evils like child marriage, sati Pratha, untouchability, dowry, mausar and polygamy have been banned. Purdah system, grinding of flour, opting services of ladies and servants have been minimized to a large extent. However, arrangements of feasts on the birth of a baby, marriage, athwa, grah-pravesh have been a status symbol.


Namakaran (naming the child) and Nangal (inauguration of the newly-built house) are performed as sacred rites. The birth of a new child is followed by the custom of well worship. Probably, this worship is peculiar to Rajasthan because drinking water is scarce here. Addiction to opium and alcoholic beverages are another social evils in certain castes in the state. They drink liquor and use opium on festive occasions. It is matter of pitty that the young generation has chosen the path to absorb a good amount of liquors injurious to health and socially and economically adversing the society.


Government, social agencies and the individuals will have to look into this matter as a social reform. Ladies express their joyful happiness in dance, music, folk dance, folklores, songs, etc. on the occasions of marriage, Gauna (first arrival of bride-groom after marriage to his father-in law's house), child birth, departure for pilgrimage and the like. The famous dance of  'Kathank' (Jaipur), ‘KachiGhori’ (Jodhpur), “Terah Taali' (Rajasthan), Gher,Ghumar, Neja (Nagaur) 'Fire Dance' (Desert) are related to Holi, Teej and Gangaur festivals are other festivals which are celebrated during rainy season.


Tribal ladies to 'Garba' Ghumar, Balar, Jhuma.Dandia, Gher in Aravalli region and offer their jubilance. The family life is characterised by joint family system, respect for elders, particular-position and role of woman mainly confirmed to household duties, observance of purdah system by women, early marriages and dowry system. Marriages are generally performed in traditional style.


In some lower castes and communities, widow remarriage and polygamy are prohibited. Child marriages are also prevalent but now people have started thinking not to perform the marriages of their Childs until they became majority barring some lower castes and communities widows remarriage and polygamy are prohibited. Adoption of male child by issueless parents is a widely accepted custom. The custom of allowing a married women or a widow to live with another man as his wife, without observing any formalities, is also prevalent among The worship of gods and goddesses, yajnas and group songs generally accompany all rites and ceremonies from birth to death.

Customs in Rajasthan

Besides sixteen Sankaras prescribed by the hindu dharamsastra, there are other customs and tradition observed in Rajasthan follow as under:

Atthu Pujan : This custom is observed at the first conception of a child one month before the  delivery.

Beating the Thali : Thali beaten is to make others to know about the birth of a male child. Keeping the swords or Katar inside the room where the male child is born. This is an age old custom which observed so that martial qualities may develop in a child.

Akhya : On the eighth day after the birth of a male child, sisters and daughters are invited to paint the Swastiks in the house.

Kunwa Poojan: Some certain ceremonies and rites on the well are performed by the mother of the male child.

Namakaran Ceremony : Naming the child ceremony is attended by a Pandit astrologer and the other relatives and friends of the family.

Mundan or Zadula Ceremony : It is observed when the hairs of a male child are cut for the first time before some god or goddess.

Janeu Pratha or Yajyopavitra Sanskar : This is a thread ceremony. It is generally observed by the Brahmans which the male child is endowed with athread called Janeu with some mantras.

Sagai or Engagement: It is observed when it is decided that a particular female or male would marry a particular male or female.

Lagan Patrika : It is a custom to convey the fixed date of the marriage by a letter called lagan patrika.

Kangan Dorda : In this custom, the threads are tied to the bride and bridegroom before marriage and are removed after the marriage.

Samela : By this ceremony, the information of the arrival of the members of the marriage party along with the bridegroom is conveyed to the father of the bride.

Toran: When the bridegroom arrives at the house of bride, he touches the Toran with a branch of Neem to indicate that he has won over the bride.

Bari-Parla : The clothes & ornaments of the bride are prepared by the bridegroom's parents, the same is called Bari-Parla.

Phera : It is marriage ceremony which is performed according to the vedic rites. Both bride and bridegroom walk seven round around the fire thereafter, they became husband and wife.

Pahravni : At the time of departure of marriage party, the parents of the bride according to their capability gives gift to bride and bridegroom and every member of the marriage party. This ceremony is called Pahravani or Rangbury.

Gauna : If bride is major at the time of her marriage this ceremony is done at the same time otherwise it is observed when bride becomes major and thereafter, husband takes his wife to his home to start his normal life as husband and wife.

Nata : This custom prevails in the tribes and backward castes according to which a married lady can remarry another man while her husband is alive.

Nangal or Grah Pravesh : After the complete construction of the new house, a feast is given by the owner of the house just to seek the blessings from the elders and good wishes from the friends and relatives.

Mosar : The death feast called Mosar or Nuktais almost an essential ritual among the Rajasthani's. Large number of relatives, friends and neighbours of the deceased are invited to these collective feasts.

Shradh : The Brahmans are served with meals and offerings annually on the dates on which persons had died.

Pagri: On the eve of Mausar, the pagri is tied to the eldest male member of the family. But first pagri belongs to family of the deceased person. Thereafter, other pagris of the cousins and relatives are tied. There were the customs of Sati Pratha, Jauhar, infanticides also which are now dead. Prada Pratha or covering the face with a veil is in existence before-her elders but in modern families, it is now completely gone.


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